In-Library Use Laptops
Borrowing Policies
- A borrower must be a current student at Valparaiso University and present her/his valid Valpo OneCard at checkout.
- Only one laptop may be checked out to a patron at a time.
- Laptops are loaned for use while in the library and can be used only in the Christopher Center “Library” area; this does not include the Community Room.
- Laptops are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and cannot be reserved.
- Library staff will not “hold” a laptop on loan for patrons who have to leave the building.
- Laptops must be checked out from and returned to the 1st floor Media Circulation Desk.
- At latest, laptops must be returned 1 hour before library closing. No laptops will be loaned 1 hour before library closing.
Use Policies
- Laptops should never be left unattended. Patrons assume full responsibility for theft, loss, or damage.
- Laptops are to be used for academic and research purposes. In signing the use agreement, the patron agrees to follow all applicable Library Use Policies and the standard Valparaiso University Acceptable Use Policy.
- The installation of any software is prohibited. The Library is not responsible for files saved to the laptop or for loss of or damage to patron’s files. Laptops are refreshed when returned from loan; all personal files are immediately removed.
- In case of emergency evacuation, the patron should keep possession of the laptop while exiting the building, returning the laptop to the Media Circulation Desk when the building has been declared safe for re-entry.
Overdue Penalties
- Failure to return the laptop 1 hour before library closing on the day it was borrowed will result in late fees of $10/hour with a maximum fine of $100.00.
- Additionally, late return and damage due to misuse or neglect will result in the following:
1st offense: suspension of all Library borrowing privileges to be lifted one week (7 days) after return.
2nd offense: suspension of all Library borrowing privileges to be lifted one month (30 days) after return.
3rd offense: suspension of all Library borrowing privileges to be lifted one semester after return.
- After 10 hours past the time the laptop was due (1 hour before library closing on the day it was borrowed), it will be listed as LOST, and a replacement cost for the laptop will be placed against the patron’s library account in addition to any overdue and processing fees incurred (up to $1600). Unpaid fines will result in a charge to the patron's student account, which must be paid in order to register for classes/ receive transcripts.
Loss or Damage Penalties
A laptop will be assumed lost if not returned within 10 hours past the time it was due: 1 hour before library closing on the day it was borrowed. A report will be made to campus police. If damage occurs to the laptop due to patron misuse or neglect, charges for repair or replacement will be imposed.